Feminist of Nepal

Feminism is simply the quest for the equality of the sexes which provokes strong reactions.They are an advocate or
the supporter of the rights and equality of women. There are lots of feminist
in our country who write articles in different magazines and newspaper as well
as books. Among them Neelam Karki Niharika is one who has written many articles
as well as book for the better life of women.
About Author:
Neelam Karki
Niharika is a novelist, poet as well as story writer. She was born in 1974 A.D.
in Palpa, Nepal. She has completed her MA in Nepali Literature. Her first poem
was published in Kisan Magazine when she was in grade 6. Her first novel was
published in 1994 AD. Karki’s book “Cheerharan” has become a best seller in
Nepal in 2016. She is a well- respected writer in Nepal and her works are
highly sought by newspapers, television and radio media. She has involved in
different organizations as well as worked in different institutions.
She has
written many novels such as “Maun Jeevan”, “Niyatiko Khel”, “Timi Ma ra Uni”and
“Cheerharan”. She has also published story books such as “Hawan”and “Kagaj ma Dastakhat”. Along with this she has
also published poem books named Neelam Karki Niharika ka kabita , Brain Fever ,
etc. She has been awarded with different award and prize. She was awarded in
National Poem Competition, Janmatsab National Poem Competition, etc. She was
recently awarded by Padmashree Puraskar for her novel titled Cheerharan. Her latest book,
Cheerharan, has been short-listed for this year’s edition of the prestigious
Madan Puraskar- Nepal’s highest literary honour.
She is unique and a highly respected
writer. Her writing skills have added a new dimension and continue to enrich
Nepali literature. Her contribution to the social and political changes in
Nepal can hardly be exaggerated. Her themes such as male-dominated society,
caste, class, poverty, corruption, and tyranny has triggered intellectual
debate among the Nepalese people and is providing impetus to on-going changes
in the country.
Neelam Karki
Niharika has written many articles related to feminism which is published in
different newspapers and magazines. The book titled “Cheerharan” is based in
the story of Mahabharat, myth of Hinduism. The story of ancient period is
compare with the story of present women of our society. Some parts of Mahabharat
is taken for this novel. Some of the bad
activities happen in past are still prevailing in our society.
activities may not be same but the rape is prevalent in the society. Gender
discrimination is still existing in many parts of our country. Many infant
children are found in the street due to unwanted pregnancy. The birth of son
before marriage and his abandon for the sake of society by Kunti is still found
in some parts of our society.
There are
many character in the novel who faced lots of challenges for the happiness of
family and society. Mostly the wife is dominated by husband. There is also dispute between mother in law
and daughter in law. Women are forced to born child for the sake of family and
society like Gandhari, Ambalika and Ambika. The problem faced by different
female character is presented by writer.
One of the
female character is Satyabati who face lots of problem due to bad smell
in her body. She is married with old king Santanu to make him happy and to take
care in his old age. Next character is Ambika. She has 3 sisters who
were kidnapped by Bhisma. Her sister was in love relation with king Shalva.
After the kidnap, she was rejected by her lover. Another character is Gandhari
who is married with blind man Dhurtarastra. She closed her eyes with
handkerchief for the sake of husband. Many man tried to kidnap her due to her
beautiful face and body.
Similarly, another character is Dhaupatri. She is one of the
strong and revolutionary character. She was introducing like things by her own
husband and also the wife of five brothers. She was loose in card race by Yudistira
and make naked in front of all Kaurab, Karna and many more people. After that
she makes her hair open until she gets justice. She stands as a strong and bold
character. There is other character such as Kunti, Bhanumati, etc.
From all the above character it is proved that women forsake many things
for the sake and happiness of men. They are being used as a machine to produce
son. Beautiful women are kidnap by most of the men. Most of the women are busy
in taking care of husband and family. Many women are still kidnap by men. Women
are forced to born child for the sake of family and society. The writer tries
to aware women not to be only an instrument to produce baby. The role of
Panchali inspires women to raise their voice and revenge against violence. The
book make myself aware about the rights and roles of female in the society.
She is famous as a feminist because she compares the life of ancient
women with present scenario of society. She presents the ancient story of
Mahabharat which let us known about the condition of women in ancient period. She
presents the weaknesses of women in front of men.